Woman on wire

Woman on wire

Rainy morning does not sound as a perfect idea for a portrait session, does it? But this is Venice. City based on, almost made of, water. And rain adds its charm. The stone walkways reflecting light and sounds. Worse weather keeping tourists inside their hotels, cafes, museums. This all creates very unique conditions for a session.

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Under the alpine sky

Under the alpine sky

Long before dawn in the Dolomites. Sarah and Gilbert stood there listening to the alpine birds singing, cows playing their bells, watching the Sun bringing the new day. They could hardly believe their eyes. ‘Is this even real?’ she asked. ‘Probably not. But I don’t care, do you? Let’s just stay here and watch.’ – he whispered.

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Two perfect lovers

Two perfect lovers

Venice never seems real, but the pandemics has turned this wonder city into somewhat an imaginary world. There we were with Indie and Bertie walking down the empty Venetian alleys on one of these misty evenings. It was a very cool walk, yet a metaphysical experience. The two perfect soulmates, hand in hand, in not-so-perfect times.

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Facetime session

Facetime session

Dear lovers, the time is now! Couples photography has never before been this location independent as it is today. It no longer has to be Venice and it no longer has to be an actual in person meeting. You can be anywhere on this planet and have the online facetime session done with me. Ready, steady, go!

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Dolomites dreaming high

Dolomites dreaming high

Tre Cime di Lavaredo, the three handsome peaks were not lonely that dawn. This is where Patrycja and Mateusz also stood, hand in hand, waiting for the Sun to chase away the rainy clouds, hoping for what they dreamt of. The brisk sunrise filled these two beautiful souls with so needed warmth, love and joy.  

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Sex and cigars in Venice

Sex and cigars in Venice

Bea and Brett. From Hollywood to Venice. With love, passion and sexy cigars. They roamed Venetian streets, off beaten tracks, palazzos, enjoying the time spent together. This short powerful video story tells about two lovers on one of their badass honeymoon days in Italy. It was filmed and photographed, so the shining memories remain.       

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When no one is around

When no one is around

Have you ever danced in the rain? As lovers do? With all the joy, passion and love? Ria and Axel did. These two beautiful souls came from Berlin to Venice and filled the shiny, empty and quiet streets of Venice with energetic vibes. There was nobody around. Only them, the rain and me.      

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Portraits against gravity

Portraits against gravity

It wasn’t just another portrait session in Venice. Meeting Abel, true artist, was something more. We turned the photoshoot into a metaphysical experience, entering another dimension of photography. Abel’s acting, flying, fighting gravity and listening to the silence of the mornings in Venice let us create as never before. Are you open for a different view?

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