When fashion meets art

When fashion meets art

The session with Don was not just a photoshoot. It was an experience. A narrative where fashion and art merged seamlessly, bringing a portrait of sophistication and allure. Amidst the frescoed walls, the modern-day Casanova became a living sculpture. In a timeless setting of Villa Barbarich where the luxury and style embodies the grandeur of Venice.

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But first, Love

But first, Love

It is a quiet understanding, a shared silence that speaks volumes. A steady presence through life’s highs and lows, a bond unaltered by imperfections. It doesn’t demand too much. Instead, it finds beauty in simplicity. It is trust, connection and companionship. It is love. And love is Venice. Laura and Marlo came here to celebrate it.

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Fiorella and the volcanoes

Fiorella and the volcanoes

Oh Lanzarote, how much I adore you. Your winters tasting like good warm spring. The volcanic landscape brining me to Iceland or even farther, to the Moon or reddish planets. Just warmer. The smell of the ocean around you. Your rugged terrain. The stillness and simplicity of your nature. So raw and perfect. A minimalist masterpiece.

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While in Rome

While in Rome

Early hours in Rome have their own rythm. Streets start to bustle as locals commute. Cafes serve morning coffee and pastries. Piazzas fill with brisk steps. The Tiber flows steadily. Joggers follow familiar routes. Vanessa, Jay and their wonder boys stroll down the city while the day begins. The Colosseum stood witness to their joyous time.

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Oksana the Star

Oksana the Star

There aren’t many sessions of this kind – this dynamic, energising, igniting passion and drive for creation. Oksana had it all, the inner powers, the badass vibe, charm with a touch of art on top. The portraits of her are just a very positive side effect of the sessions we had in Venice, Burano and Florence.

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Riding into a dream

Riding into a dream

It’s beyond my ability to put into words how does it feel to set off for a ride like this. Grand Canal at dawn, the 3200 metres of a pure magic. This is how Shadi and Berhad started their pre-wedding day in Venice, touching the essence of the floating city. The dream they had came true.

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The scents of freedom

The scents of freedom

I’m sure you know that early morning delightful sounds of silence when you don’t really have to do anything. The pleasant lazy pace, the low light, birds starting to chirp, the first beams of sun, their warming touch. The sort of peace and hope filling heart and soul. Now this is the Ukrainian dream and longing.

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Summertime in Tuscany

Summertime in Tuscany

Summertime days in Tuscany start very early. So did we. There we were with Larissa, Jeff and their wonder kids watching the Sun rising over the scenic hills surrounding Volterra. Perhaps sleepy at first, all of us quickly fell under the Tuscan spell. The sun beams ignited our joy, passion and craving for the starting day.

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